Leather vs Cotton vs Nylon Lifting Straps: Which Are Better?
As a personal trainer, part of my job is to help my clients pick the best training equipment, so I’m often asked which material would be best for lifting straps: leather, nylon, or cotton. Cotton l...
Wearing Knee Sleeves For Squats: Tips + How Much Do They Help?
As a powerlifting coach, I’m often asked if it’s worth wearing knee sleeves for squats, how they help, and how much additional weight one can expect to lift when wearing them. Here’s my response: ...
7 Arten von Hebegurten (Erklärung der Vor- und Nachteile und welches das Beste ist)
Gewichthebergürtel gibt es in verschiedenen Stilen, Dicken und Materialien, und je nachdem, welche Arten von Aktivitäten und Übungen Sie im Fitnessstudio machen, kann ein Typ besser sein als andere...
Banded Bench Press: Benefits, How-To, Common Mistakes
Banded bench presses might be on your radar if you’re trying to bust through sticking points caused by a weak lockout, or you’re trying to grow an Arnold-esque chest. Whatever the reason, you’re l...
How to Do Resistance Band Pull-Aparts (The Proper Way)
As a strength coach, I’ve noticed that many lifters struggle to perform band pull-aparts properly and incorporate them effectively into their training program. Resistance band pull-aparts are an ef...
9 Best Resistance Band Bicep Exercises (+ Sample Workout)
You might think that growing your biceps with resistance bands is impossible, but you would be wrong. Training your biceps with resistance bands can trigger growth by providing a different stimulus...
10 Best Tricep Exercises With Bands (+ Sample Workout)
If you’re looking to take your tricep training to the next level to improve your bench press lockout or to build bigger triceps, then incorporating bands into your workout routine is the way to go....
6 Best Hip Flexor Exercises With Bands (+Sample Workout)
As a personal trainer, I love prescribing resistance band exercises for an area that doesn’t get enough love: the hip flexors. The hip flexors are a group of muscles with crucial roles in walking, ...
6 Best Adductor Exercises With Bands (+ Sample Workout)
Resistance bands are a great tool to use to train the lower body as they allow you to attack the muscle from different angles and at varying intensities. This is especially helpful when training t...
5 Best Forearm Exercises & Workouts With Bands
Resistance bands are one of my go-to tools for building forearm strength. They are ideal for forearm workouts because lifters can pick from multiple exercises, including wrist curls and extension...
Banded Overhead Press: Benefits, How-To, Common Mistakes
Banded overhead presses might be on your radar if you’re working out at home with limited equipment or if you’re trying to bust through sticking points caused by a weak lockout. Whatever the reaso...
How To Do Push Ups With Bands (The Proper Way)
One of my favorite ways to shake up clients’ workouts is to make push-ups more challenging with a resistance band. Banded push-ups are an advanced variation where trainees wrap a band over their ha...
Was Sie beim Kauf eines Gewichtheber-Singlets wissen müssen
Haben Sie darüber nachgedacht, an einem Powerlifting- oder olympischen Event teilzunehmen? Sie sind auf dem richtigen Weg! Training ist ein großer Aspekt , aber eine weitere Komponente ist die Inve...
Was in einer Sporttasche zu tragen
Eines der wichtigsten Accessoires beim Sport wird oft übersehen. Egal, ob Sie gerade erst anfangen oder schon seit Jahren ins Fitnessstudio gehen, eine hochwertige Sporttasche ist eine unglaublich...
Soll ich ein Squat Rack oder ein Power Rack kaufen?
Ein Squat-Rack (egal ob Ständer oder Käfig) ist oft das Grundnahrungsmittel eines jeden Fitnessstudios, Fitnesszentrums oder Garagen-Fitnessstudios. Sie haben einen benutzt – und wenn nicht, dann ...
Die wichtigsten Vorteile des Fitness-Sandbag-Trainings
Wann hast du das letzte Mal einen Sandsack für dein Trainingsprogramm verwendet? In einem früheren Beitrag haben wir über die Vorteile der Verwendung eines Strongman-Sandsacks für Kraft und Ausdaue...
How Plyo Training Builds Muscle
What is plyometric training? Often referred to as “plyo”, plyometric training involves explosive movement techniques used by many athletes in sports like basketball, volleyball, tennis, and more. ...